Monday, November 8, 2010

NaNoWriMo Update

One week down and I'm still in line with the 1700-ish lines per day to make the 50,000 goal. Luckily I was able to write ahead almost every day last week because I crashed and burned on Sunday and didn't write at all.

My story is going swimmingly considering I'm still not plotting. And by swimmingly I mean it still actually makes sense and it's not just a bunch of unrelated crap on the page just so I can make word count. My goal is to have an honest to goodness usable first draft that doesn't need to be completely rewritten. So I'm trying to plot as I pants, if you know what I mean. Trying to keep my imagination one step ahead of what I'm writing. It's interesting having two main characters who are taking parallel journeys, weaving those stories together. 

But....they're going to be crashing back together again soon, and boy will the sparks fly when that happens!

So, how're everybody else's NaNoWriMo projects going? Keeping up with word count? Like where the story's going? Running into any problems/issues/concerns?

If you're doing the NaNo and want more buddies, you can add me: mkdbail

Have fun!


Summer Ross said...

I'm glad you are ahead...I look down on my stats and it tell me "at this rate you finish on December 15th" LOL Its okay though- I'm not doing it like everyone else is.

Happy writing!

J E Fritz said...

Things are going surprisingly well for me. There were a few days there when I was just writing to get it done, but now I'm really getting into it. Plus, I don't think it will all have to be rewritten : D

Glad things are going well for you! Here's to keeping it up

Meredith said...

Yay for your story going swimmingly! I'm a consummate plotter, so I've got everything mapped out, but my story is always changing as I write :) Have fun!

Dan said...

I had everything pretty much plotted and planned before I started, but about three or four days into it, my characters said "screw you" and started doing whatever they wanted. Apparently they're better writers than I am, because since they've taken over, the story's really taken off.

Jodi Henry said...

Great that you are ahead, so am I. And I had a moment like Dan's and my characters decided to take the story off MY track, and it messed me all up. I had writers block for like two days, but once I got the new scene in and on track with the rest of the outline I had, things really started moving again.

Good luck everyone.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your progress! I'm not participating in NaNoWriMo, but wish luck to those of you that are.

DL Hammons said...

I'm just cheering from the sidelines. You're on a roll!!