Friday, April 1, 2011

A is for? - Plus Agent Pitch Contest!

Today is the first day of the A-Z Challenge, which means we're starting with an A-topic today. Because I'm spontaneous (*cough*) I'll be coming up with a new topic daily, on the fly.

Today is also the first day of the Epic Follower Blogfest/Contest hosted by Shelley Watters, wherein authors are to post a twitter-length pitch and hope to win a full manuscript request from Agent Suzie Townsend

1. In keeping with the alphabetic theme of the A-Z challenge, here is my Attempt at a twitter-length pitch for my paranormal romance, Faerie Fate:

Fate has love and death plans for Holly McCray, whether she believes in him or not.

It's only 82 characters long, so there's still wiggle room. Any comments or suggestions would be swell.

2. Back to the A-Z challenge. I thought about discussing Adverbs, but I figured other people could cover that. Besides, it's been overdone. We all know to avoid -ly adverbs and use stronger verbs.

3. Then I thought about discussing Anxiety. But this requires no explanation. We all understand. Please see #4.

4. Finally, I decided that Anticipation was a good subject because I've got a list of things I'm anticipating to the point of preoccupation:

1. I will graduate with my MFA in May. Halle-freakin-lujah.
2. Hubby will graduate with his BSE in May. Ya-freakin-hoo.
3. Oldest son graduates from high school in May. *sob*
4. I've sent queries to a bunch of agents. *bites nails* (see #2)
5. I've applied for a bunch of college/university teaching jobs. *ugh* *fidgets* *waiting....* (see #2)
6. Going on family vacation first 2 weeks of June. *can't wait*
7. Got a big tax refund. Waiting for the moolah. *taps foot*

Now, go read a few of the 900-ish other posts!

p.s. Another A-word: Award! Thanks to Christopher Ledbetter for this one.
He's so sweet for thinking of me!


Unknown said...

Wow! You've got a LOT to look forward to. You gonna buy something pretty with your refund?

Loralie Hall said...

Love your list of possible 'a' words ^_^ Best of luck on all you're waiting for. It'll be worth it when they each happen.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Sounds like life is very exciting for you, Mara...

Enjoy the thrill of waiting... it's all how you look at it.

Hart Johnson said...

Anticipation is a great word! (shockingly, I haven't seen anything on adverbs(thus my secure use of the ridiculous adverb shockingly) or anxiety). But I like anticipation better and you've got some great stuff coming! Good luck with the query stuff!

Unknown said...

What alot of A's! I look forward to reading your blog.

Unknown said...

Great way to combine the two posts!! As for your pitch I like it. I'm hoping Fate is the he you are referring to at the end. There is mystery and intrigue--I'd read more.

Anonymous said...

I'm intrigued by your pitch, but I feel like it's missing something. Maybe adding some concrete details to really make it pop would help--like, does she believe in fate? Or, what kinds of plans--can you fit in a specific example?

I'd read more, though. Nice job.

Beth said...

I wasn't clear who the "he" in your pitch was until I read your title. I think it will probably be okay b/c in the contest your title will be above the pitch, but you might want to tighten that anyhow.

Talli Roland said...

Congrats on the award - and everything else! Lots of good things to look forward to.

Allison Merritt said...

At first I thought Fate and death were vying for Holly, but then I realized it was love and death. Something in there is just throwing me. But when I imagine this as a tagline on a book cover, it sounds just fine.

brandileigh2003 said...

I think you need to be more clear that Fate isn't fate but an antag

Brandi Kosiner

Bish Denham said...

And then there's that song by Carly Simon...Anticipation. Great word. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Anonymous said...

I am equal parts intrigued and confused, which would probably make me turn the book over and read the blurb if the rest of the cover was good, so that's a good thing. Is Fate the "him" at the end? Is Fate a Faerie? Is Holly? What exactly are "love and death plans" - is there a way to split them apart?

You're almost there and you have characters to spare, so bravo! I'd like to see where you go with it in the end, so I'll stop by again.

Good luck!

Allison said...

Interesting idea to pitch a story in 140 characters or less! I'll have to try it with some of mine.

I realized Fate was the "he" in your pitch, but since you have so much more space, I'd love to know more! Maybe elaborate on the love and death plans, just slightly? Like, I get that love and death are at stake, but I think more specifics would hook me.

Ellie Garratt said...

You have to much to look foward to you. Yay!

Loved your pitch!

Anonymous said...

i think you have a simple, to the point, ominous sentence that would only get more complicated if you stretch to use all 140...keep it simple...i like it a lot.

Kaleen said...

It's hard to know what your book is about, other than love and death. Is Fate an actual character? Best of luck with the contest!

Su said...

Sounds like you & I are the same kind of "spontaneous". ;) This blogfest should loosen things up a bit!

Crystal Collier said...

Then fate is a physical entity? I love that idea.

J E Fritz said...

Fate has love and death plans for Holly McCray, whether she believes in him or not.

I think adding "love and death" disrupts the flow of the pitch. Maybe add it to a second sentence with a little bit about what danger is out there. Overall, I really like it. Good job at doing it so concisely!

Touch of Ink said...

Just to confuse the issues, I thought Fate was a person, Holly doesn't doesn't believe in him, and he needs her to die in order for them to be together.

Which is good, if it's a story about Fate. But I'm guessing the story is really about Holly?

Brenda Drake said...

I'm kind of torn here. I like the pitch but since you have room, maybe you could add a bit more? Like is it actually fate or is Fate a person. Starting off a sentence with fate doesn't give me the capital I need to know which it is. I hope I'm making sense and that this helps some.

Good luck! :D

erica m. chapman said...

Congrats on your MFA!! What a great accomplishment ;o) And YAY for all the other awesomeness in your life!

Let's see... your pitch.

I like that Fate is a him, and we don't know that right away, but it's a little vague. Wondering if you can add more details? I know it's not a lot of room (boy do I know, this is hard, huh?) I like the love and death, just need some details and it will really pop!

Nice job!

Jemi Fraser said...

Wow - lots of good stuff coming up in your lives! I hope you enjoy each and every moment! :)