Saturday, April 16, 2011

N is for New Blood

Today is N-Day for the A-Z Challenge. I'm taking an intermission in the telling of the Happy Acres residents' tales to give you all a heads up.

I reached 200 followers this week and I thought it would be fun to have a contest/blogfest to celebrate.  I wondered, hmmm, what could I do for said blogfest?

I've been thinking recently that Happy Acres needs new blood. I need more characters to work with.  For those of you unfamiliar with the Happy Acres saga, it's an ongoing serial I've been working on which originated with the Invasion of the Bloggy Snatchers blogfest back in August 2010, where the idea was to write a blog post using other bloggers as characters. Happy Acres is set in a mental institution, and I've morphed some fellow bloggers into inmates.

I often write new episodes for other blogfests, and for the A-Z Challenge, letters I through M have so far been Happy Acres tales.

I thought it would be fun to have a contest/blogfest where you can enter for the chance to have a namesake character in Happy Acres! I haven't worked out all the details yet, but it will definitely take place after the A-Z Challenge when everyone has more time. I'll probably have you write a short piece describing how your character came to be at Happy Acres.

So stay tuned for more details! Because you know you want a namesake at Happy Acres. I'll have more information for you as soon as I work it all out.

In the meantime, enjoy the rest of the residents' tales of how they came to be Happy Acres. (You can catch up on the rest of the episodes at the "Happy Acres Episodes" link above, and I to M of A-Z).

1 comment:

dolorah said...

Looking forward to it :)

Now, I've got to go catch up - I've been away from blogerland for a while . .
